Lacné malé oceľové doštičky CNC plazmové rezacie zariadenie

Stručné informácie

Stav: Nový
Napätie: 220V / 380V
Menovitý výkon: 100W
Dimension(L*W*H): 6500x2000x600mm (LxWxH)
Weight: 160kg
Certifikácia: ISO9001
Záruka: 12 mesiacov
Poskytuje popredajný servis: Inžinieri sú k dispozícii pre servis strojov v zámorí
Názov: prenosný cnc rezací stroj
Cutting mode: Plasma& Flame Cutting
Control system: F2100B
Cutting thickness: 0.5-25 mm , 1.0-80 mm or more
Cutting speed: 4000 mm/min
Drive motor: step motor
Drive Method: Rack and pinion drive for X and Y axis
Drive Mode: Single-side
Softvér na kreslenie: Auto CAD
Rezný materiál: kovová nehrdzavejúca oceľ hliník

Predstavenie výrobku

Handyman is a single drive prenosný CNC rezací stroj, which can cut any graphics you need with wide track structure design. Plasma cutting is a kind of processing method that makes use of the heat of high temperature plasma arc to melt (and vaporize) the metal at the cut of work place and eliminate the molten metal by the momentum of high speed plasma to form the notch. Flame cutting is used to cut carbon steel by the high temperature generated during the combustion of iron oxide , and the flame cutting torch is designed to provide sufficient oxygen to the combustion iron oxide to ensure a good cutting effect .


Parameter Data

Zdroj energie
machine:AC220V/50hz / palasma cutter: AC380V/50hz
Efektívna šírka rezu
Efektívna dĺžka rezu
3000mm /6000mm ( accept tailor-made length)
Cutting process
plasma/ flame
Hrúbka rezu (plameň)
6.0-150mm (oxygen+acetylene or propane)
Hrúbka rezu (plazma)
0.5-40mm Depending on the customer's plasma power supply
Rezná rýchlosť
20-3500mm/min (max.4000mm/min)
Presnosť rezania
Torch lifting distance
Tlak plynu
Max. 0,1 MPa
Tlak kyslíka
Max. 0,7 MPa
Applicable gas type
Oxygen and propane or acetylene
Working interface
Chinese and English (other languages
can be customized)
Pracovný cyklus
CAD drawing conversion
nesting cut code
Spracovateľské materiály
carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum sheets, galvanized sheets